
Rashtriya Stree Shakti Puraskar at the hands of the Hon'ble Governor of Maharashtra, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari

Vaishali is the first lawyer in the country who was selected in the TCS Chevening Scholarship program on Cyber Defense and international collaboration on Cyber Policy by the British High Commission and Tata Consultancy Services.

Vaishali and her law firm won the DSCI Excellence Award for Cyber Security Evangelists in year 2016 for their outstanding efforts in "Keeping Children Safe Online"

IBM recognized Vaishali as ‘the woman who turned the tide and now pursue a successful career in cyber security’ in its IBM WISE ( Women in Security Excelling) India Chapter, WISE INDIA Summit 2019.
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People Speak

Karthik Kannappan Saravanan
General Counsel Infosys Ltd.
I have had the opportunity to work with Vaishali on several legal matters while at Persistent Systems and Infosys. I don’t look beyond her competence for assistance when it comes to selecting external counsel in handling matters involving tecno-legal issues. Her ability to understand the key issues have helped in taking informed decision. I highly recommend Vaishali for all the tremendous work she has done in cyber space and also in general. I wish her all the very best!

Mukul Nag
CLIRNET The Physician Support Platform
I was referred to and delighted to find with Vaishali the specific legal expertise in the data management and privacy space we required. Aside from quality of output, I found in Vaishali critical elements that differentiate legal counsel in my mind – a willingness to understand the business prior to thinking through its legal implications, a practical approach to handling potential legal issues and on the ground connections to help through real problems.

Prachee Sonsal
Head Human Resources HELLA India Pvt Ltd – Pune
I learned about Vaishali Bhagwat from few of my HR Colleagues in Pune and decided to meet her for my requirements in the space of Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy and Committee thereof. I found Vaishali very professional in her approach, learned and experienced to handle the topic under discussion. We have Vaishali as the external member in the Internal Complaints Committee for HELLA India Automotive PVT Ltd , Pune....

Meher Pudumjee
“Vaishali has been a great help for the ICC program we ran through CII Pune when the POSH Act was introduced. Her insights and support to each participant was extremely useful as also her commitment and care. Thank you Vaishali – have every confidence that you will do very well.”
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Vaishali Bhagwat
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V P Shintre
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