
We specialize in Information Technology Law practice and have been amongst the first few Cyber lawyers in India to offer the advisory, litigation and training services under Information Technology Law to clients since year 2000.

Few glimpses of our work under Cyber Security and Cyber Law

  • Represented the Pune Police in a Human Rights Violation Case – offense of erroneous cyber crime investigation which also included investigation done by one of the leading Telecom Companies
  • First case of hacking and breach of privacy and data privacy decided by the Cyber Appellate Tribunal Appellate Authority
  • Several cases on Source Code theft , Criminal Breach of Trust, Insider fraud, Business email Frauds and Copyright violation. Hacking , Identity Theft , Cyber Pornography, Defacement of websites, Denial of access, Cyber defamation cases
  • Led fraud detection, investigation, gathering of electronic and documentary evidence and preparation of police complaint on payroll fraud, insider fraud , data security breach incidences by employees, etc. Handled cases of Software License infringement, etc.
  • Defended cases on behalf of Banks on illegal fund transfer before A.O (IT).
  • Filed cases on behalf of individual Complainants for hacking , cyber pornography, data theft, copyright violation, identity theft, illegal financial transactions , Fraudulent bank transfers, etc. and conducted Anticipatory bail applications
  • Authored the Course material on Cyber Laws for “Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, Pune“
  • Successfully conducted the campaign for cyber safety since year 2010 with Rotary International and Maharashtra Police
  • Work of “keeping Children safe online” was recognized by DSCI with an award invited at various forums and think tanks to discuss cyber law reform
  • views had been sought by the National Commission for Women (Government of India) and UN Women regarding cyber-crime against women and changes in laws required to address issues.
  • Advisory Board member of Responsible Netizen has authored the ‘Cyber Crime Investigation Manual’ for LEA
  • Co-authored the book titled “Cyber Crimes and Law “ by Vishwakarma Publications
  • Featured as an expert in the docuseries titled “wedding.con” on Amazon prime, directed by Tanuja Chandra and produced by BBC studios
  • Trained police officers, judges, Public prosecutors, counselors on Cyber law
  • Conducted employee awareness training on cyber safety and wellbeing in cyberspace for companies like ‘BMC software’, ‘Target’, ‘Wipro , ‘Cummins India’ to name a few


  • Providing guidance on cyber security, privacy and regulatory compliance as per RBI, SEBI, IRDAI, NPCI
  • Providing guidance on managing outsourced vendor agreements and their obligations
  • Providing guidance on cyber security breach notifications as per CERT-in guidelines

Drafting and vetting of Policies
  • Cyber Security Policy
  • Computer Usage Policy
  • Social media Policy
  • Privacy Policy
  • Child protection policy (online abuse)

Drafting and Vetting of Contracts
  • Non Disclosure Agreements
  • Terms of use for websites and Apps
  • Vendor / outsourcing contracts / MSAs / SLAs for regulated entities (Banks , Co-operative Banks, Mutual Fund Companies, Insurance Companies) as per as per guidelines / notifications issued by RBI, SEBI, IRDAI, CERT-in, etc
  • For private entities for cyber security and privacy compliance
  • Review of Vendor contracts
  • HR Documents for cyber security and data privacy

  • Information technology Law compliance (IT Act )
  • Digital Personal Data Protection Act compliance
  • GDPR compliance


Before Criminal Court , Civil Court , Adjudicating Officer (IT) or Cyber Appellate Tribunal)

For cases of Data Theft, Criminal breach of trust, Software License infringement, Financial Frauds, Payment Frauds, Corporate Frauds, Insider Frauds, Matrimonial Frauds, Social Media Crimes, Cyber Defamation, Intermediary Liability and Take Down notices, Crimes against Women and Children

Cyber Law Training

We conduct training for Boards, Senior Management, employees for

  • Cyber safety and security
  • Cyber security best practices
  • IT Law and its implications on business
  • Privacy and Data Protection laws, Privacy compliance and Employer responsibility
  • Any other curated as per specific requirements
  • Women’s well being in cyberspace

Our services have been retained by Corporates, Co-operative Banks, Mutual Fund Companies, Investment Advisers and Schools on an annual retainer-ship arrangement for giving services relating to Cyber Law